

After Darren Wilson was released from legal responsibility for his murder of Mike Brown, it seemed everyone wanted to believe things would have happened otherwise were the killing captured on video by cameras. “Put a camera on every cop, and we’ll have fewer Mike Browns,” they said.

But this fails to understand the fundamental nature of both police and of video imagery. We might not need much sophisticated analysis to see this, since the same week Obama announced his campaign to put cameras on 50,000 officers, the videotaped killing of Eric Garner failed to even secure an indictment. (more…)

One Response to “The Reason Mike Brown Can’t Get Justice Has Nothing To Do With Cameras”

  1. jerhron Jordan

    The institution must be changed. The way police conduct themselfs is the true problem. Their training must consist of socially conscious treatment of Americans and less “gun ho” methodology. Police officers with more conflict mediation skills are more likely to talk first before taking such lethal action against lawbreakers and average citizens. The power we give the police force can be easily abused if not trained in the proper manner befitting a proper professional, not a lawyer with a license to kill. Its a dangerous world (or at least some think so) and having a organization dedicated to enforcing laws my be necessary, as long as the right people with the right train are the ones doing it, not some thugs with authority.

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